Friday, February 27, 2009

I Have Been Inspired

I have been inspired. And, this is not to say that this is the first time that I have been. I have certainly been inspired by my parents. They are main source of my love, positive thinking and drive. I am inspired by my brothers daily as I see them win at life in a loving way. I am inspired by my nieces and nephews every time I talk to them. I am inspired by my Pastor every time I hear him speak. I inspired by a special janitor at my college who I see every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have been inspired by many teachers and professors. There have also been certain books, articles, and songs that have put me in the mindset of re-inventing myself and putting a source of inspiration within me.. There is also a certain gentleman in Chicago that inspires me every time I talk to him.

But, today, and every since November 4th, 2008 my inspiration has reached new heights. This inspiration is in perpetual motion. It is a driving force that I hope millions of others have felt, have gotten caught up in and held on to.
It is the image of President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. It is the image intelligence, the image of togetherness, the image of love, the image of tolerance, the sense of family, and the sense that we are headed in the right direction. The right direction for our country, for our people, and for our families.

For so long now I have had a vision of what I thought my first family should look like. What I think my first family should represent. And, thanks to the vision of President Obama those visions are now singular. They are now possible. They are now reachable for all. Not just for me for all that want to believe.

We now as Americans have to be inspired. We now have to have hope that we can be all and do all. We have to be inspired to reach beyond our limits....beyond any parameters set for any us. This is what I am getting from the Obamas. This is my prayer for the rest our country too.

But, it is this strong inspiration that I really want my generation to feel. The generation that believes that everything does and should come easy. We can now be lead with some true examples of love, perseverance, and hard work.

We can walk with hope, live with hope, and exude hope. The Obamas have shown us the formula. They have shown us the results of positive thinking, and positive living.

We have all by now taken in the moment of inauguration on some level. We have all by now experience our new President and the first family on some level. But, I challenge you to be as inspired as I am. As my fellow students are; as my genera ton is; as millions of other Americans seem to be.

We now have to take this inspiration and do something with it. We have to be better people. We have to not look out for ourselves but we must look out for neighbors. we must become less selfish, less judgemental, and more appreciative of people. We must give back our talents and our time. Something that in concept that has always been around. But, now there is no excuse. We are being challenge with this by the results of the election. We as a nation went to the polls and voted for change.

I challenge everyone to view this change though as not just a November 4th or Jan 20th phenomenon. We must take this newly attain source of inspiration and work with it, uphold it, and support it. Use it to become better ourselves and make those around us better. We must make our neighborhoods better, our homeless situation better, our food kitchens better until there is no more left to do. That's what this campaign, this movement, this election has ordained.
Please follow me down this path of inspiration and become inspired like I have and like many around me has.

If by chance you have not become inspired, allow yourself to be lead by our President and First Family. You will be inspired! I am convinced.


  1. Candice, I can appreciate your thoughts regarding the Obamas. I too am inspired. I am inspired not because of their achievements, but because they seem to invigorate life into everyone that really believes they are "American".

    The sense of ownership and partnership is what captures me. The Obamas thoughts, the legendary stories of President Barack and his efforts throughout Chicago all speak to individual effort. Those efforts convey personal responsibility in the rebuilding of our country.

    I am so convinced that this is a new America, one which i am proud to serve and help recreate. Grass root efforts have always been around, but the aura of the day is so much more intense, full of perfect pride, hope and life. I love sharing in such richness.

    I hope that this essence will last forever. Its been so long overdue. I feel like we have tapped into some of the communal efforts of the sixties. Community over individuality, yet preserving our own uniqueness.

    As an Inspiration Architect, I spend most of my energy hoping to impart at least a portion of what the Obamas have. I am proud. I am convinced. I am in.
